Selasa, 28 Mei 2013


Eyes are the vision organ that detect the light, continous the signal into the retina and make the visual effect that will be transferred into the brain. Eyes are one of the five senses that really important for human. Without eyes, we can’t see the beautiful of the world and we can’t see the people around us. The functions of the eyes are as the tool to see, to detect and to receive excitatory form of light.
Eyes are look like a mirror that sparkling. We can see ourselves by seeing in the eyes of the person in front of us. Eyes are a river because it can remove “water”, water of our happiness and water of our sadness. Eyes are like a sparkling crystal ball because they have many color like black, brown , green and blue.
The external organ of eyes:
·         Eyelashes have a function to filter the light that will receive
·         Eyebrow have a function to hold back the sweat from entering the eyeball
·         Eyelid have a function to cover and to protect the eyes
The internal organs of the eyes are:
·         Cornea
Cornea is the outer part of the eyeball that receive the light from the light source
·         Sclera
This is the part of the eye wall which colored white. The thick is about 1 millimeter, but when the muscle is irensing,  it will thickened into 3 millimeters.
·         Pupils and iris
Pupils will decide the quantity of the light that will enter the deeper part of our eyes. Pupils will widen if the condition of the room is dark and will narrowed if the condition of the room is bright. The wide of the pupils is affected by iris. Iris has a function as diaphragm. Iris will look as a colored part in the eyes.
·         Eyepiece
Eyepiece receives the light from pupils and continues it into retina. The function of the eyepiece is to control the focus of the light, so the light will fall directly on retina yellow spots. To see a far object (light comes far), eyepiece will thinned, whereas to see a close object (light comes closer), eyepiece will thickened.

·         Retina
Retina is one of the most sensitive parts of eyes, particularly the part of the retina that called yellow spot. After retina, the light will continues in optic nerves.
·         Optic nerves
Nerves that entered the cord cells and cone in the retina, towards the brain

Some eyes diseases are:

·         Miopi
Miopi is an eyes disease that means the person can’t see the far object. Miopi commonly experienced by the students. It can be helped with concave lens glasses.
·         Hipermetropi
Hipermetropi means that the person can’t see the close object. It can be helped with convex lens glasses.
·         Presbiopi
Presbiopi means that the person can’t see the far and close object. It can be helped with duplex lens glasses. It’s usually experinced by the eldelry.
·         Myopia and Blindness
Blind means that we can’t see anything. Blind can be caused by heredity or an accident. Myopia means that the person just can see nebulous. The person who blind or myopia usually “read” with their fingers. This is called “braille”.
·         Color blindness
It’s a condition that someone can’t differenciate the colors. The person just can see black, grey, and white. Color blindness usually is a heredity disease. It means that if someone had color blindness, almost certainly his/her son also have the color blindness.
·         Cataract
Cataract is an eyes disease that the lens of the eyes become opaque because of the thickening the lens of the eyes and it’s commonly happened by elderly.
·         Astigmatism= irregularity arch surface of the eyes refractive that effected the light not focus on the yellow spots. It can be helped with cylinder glasses or refractive surgery.
·         Night blindness
Night blindness is an eyes disease due to lack of vitamin A. The patients usually can’t see in the night.
If the part of the eyes having disorder, so the eyes can’t work properly. Person that have an eyes disorder, thye vision isn’t perfect and to help that it need a handling of from the doctor, like wearing the concave or convex glasses.

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